Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Halloween Fundraiser was a success

Hi everyone, sorry it's been a while since I lasted updated the site. A lot has happened since the last time this was updated. Maylene went for her third round of chemo & has been doing great.

She met with Make-A-Wish foundation and should be finding out soon if her wish will be granted or not & then we will share what she wished.

The fundraiser for Maylene was held on Saturday, October 27th at the VFW in Amherst. It was a great turn-out. WWLP - 22 News came out and interviewed Jenn & Maylene, it was aired on October 27 at 11 p.m. There are a lot of thank you's for this fundraiser, which raised a nice little chunk of change for them. Thank you to everyone that came out to support such a great cause. Thank you Auntie Paula and Grandma for making the trip down here, it meant a lot to Jenn & Maylene. Thank you to everyone who donated the raffle prizes and food. Also, thank you to Jennifer Albertine, Phae Dra, Charlene Govan & Tamari Toledo-Campbell for making it all happen! Finally a thank you to John Mahan and Mahan Slate Roofing for matching whatever was raised that night, there are no words to express how thankful we are!!!

The end is finally in sight, we see the light at the end of the tunnel, however you would like to say it, Maylene is scheduled to go in this Friday, November 2nd for her FINAL round of chemo. Her ABP levels are down to 4.7, they should be anywhere below 9. Go May-May!!!!!

I can't say enough how proud I am of Jenn & Maylene for dealing with this situation the way they have. They have had good times and really bad times, but in the end they will come out stronger then they have ever been! Love you ladies!!

Thank you all for the support & following Maylene's journey through this chapter of her life. They couldn't have done it without all of the love & support they have and continue to recieve.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Well, a lot has happened since the last update, sorry for the delay.

Wednesday, Sept 19th, Maylene, Jenn, me & Char went to Boston to finally go meet Dr. Frazier at Dana Farber!!!  We also met with Dr. Shamburger, Chief of Surgery at Boston Children's Hospital a.k.a The Tumor Dr, he was very nice and he told us that the Tumor Board met the day before & Maylene's case was presented to them. They didn't have the Operating Report so there wasn't much to tell at this point, but it was very nice meeting him. We then met with Dr. Frazier and she was great. She talked a little bit more about May's cancer, we learned that there were two types of cancer in the tumors, the one we knew which is the Yolksac Tumor, this is the more aggressive type, but it responds well to chemo & she has 10% of this type of cancer. The other type is called Immature Teratoma, which doen't respond to chemo. The only way to remove this type of cancer is through surgery. 90% of her cancer it this type. The issue at hand is that there was a little piece of tumor left over on one of her overies and we don't know if the little piece left is cancerous or not and if it is cancer is it Yolksac or Immature Teratoma. So Maylene will continue her chemo treatments as scheduled & she will have to do 4 sessions of chemo and then back off to Dana Farber to go meet with Dr. Frazier again to decide what the next step is. So keep your prayers coming that the piece of tumor is not cancerous!

Maylene went in on Friday, Sept 21st for second round of chemo...YAY!!! Half way there!!! She did phenominal again! She got to meet with another teen with cancer and talk, which was very nice.  May & Jenn continue to stay strong and positive!!

Saturday, Sept 22nd, Zulma Rivera held a Zumbathon Fundraiser at Amherst Middle School for Maylene & Jenn.  There was a tremendous turnout. People were invited to wear teal for Ovarian Cancer. The support of everyone that showed up was greatly appreciated!! Thank you Zulma for your time, dedication & love for Maylene & Jenn!

Also, tickets for the October 27th fundraiser are on sale now and going fast.......get yours while you still can, it is going to be a great time!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone that has prayed, donated and continue to give Maylene & Jenn love & support through this hard time. They are overwhelmed with the unbelievable amount of support that friends, family, acquaintences, co-workers, classmates and even strangers have given to them, they couldn't get through it without all of you!!

Stay posted for more updates....