been a little while since our last update so let's see what has
happened...well, May did the MRI after her chemo & the results came
back that she has Chiari Malformation. Chiari Malformation is (CMs) are
structural defects in the cerebellum, the part of the brain that
controls balance. There are three different types of CMs, but the
doctors aren't sure what type May has until they get the results from
the MRI of her neck. Please keep your fingers crossed that it is a Type I
& I took Maylene & her friend Naeemah to York Beach, ME to have
a nice little weekend away from everything. The weather was beautiful
& beach was nice. We had so much fun & it was definitely much
past weekend was a rough one, May wasn't feeling good & the time
came to finally shave her head in preparation for the hair loss. She is
one tough cookie! Her white blood cell count was low last week, which
means she is more susceptible to infections/colds. She went for her
weekly blood test yesterday, hopefully her blood counts are good because
she is suppose to start her second round of chemo later this week, but
if the blood levels are still low they will have to push the chemo back
till they are at a good level.
leave tonight to go to Boston to be able to meet the surgeon from Dana
Farber, which is just protocall & then we finally get to meet Dr.
Frazier. Hopefully, the visit will go well & we will learn some more
stuff about May's cancer.
the tickets for May's fundraiser that is coming up in October will be
available for sale this week. Check out the fundraiser tab to see how
you can get your tickets. We look forward to seeing you there!!